Post by JudiHi,
I have made loads of calls to Evesham's help desk to try and get my guide
data for ITV, ITV2 and various other channels over a period of 3 years and
had no luck.
The whole PC went back to Evesham and they 'claimed' it worked fine there
but as soon as it came back the guide data was missing from the guide
listings for ITV & ITV2 etc again.
I have also periodically lost channels from Media Center altogether, but in
the past running a few repeated re-configures has always solved it in the end.
This time I stupidly decided to scan for more channels to see if I could
pick up one of the new +1 channels and it is now resolutely refusing to admit
that any more than 28 of the 92 channels exist. This leaves me with BBC1-4
and a few junky ones - ITV, C4, Five ITV2 etc, etc all missing.
I live in West Yorkshire and this happens whichever transmitter I pick.
However if I put my friend's Swindon postcode in it then finds Five but still
not ITV. I think all this excuse blaming the signal is a load of rubbish
because the channels were all there and displaying perfectly 10 minutes
beforehand. Also if I say I'm not using the Guide it finds ALL the channels
without any problem - how would it manage that with no signal??
I have done the Salloway and the Green Button stuff and nothing works. I am
in a low paid job and this PC cost a relative fortune for me and it is so
frustrating that the TV service is so unreliable. I would have expected a big
company like Microsoft to make the effort to put major functionality failures
like this right.
It doesn't look as if anyone will be able to make any new suggestions about
my plight but if you do have any ideas I'll be very, very grateful.
It's not rubbish about a poor signal. Your signal is marginal & comes & goes. That is why it worked
OK at Evesham as they doubtless have a good signal. Whenever Multiplex (channel group on one
frequency also called a MUX) then Media Center performs so called 'opportunistic scanning'. Which
means it checks if any new channels have appeared or old channels disappeared. If your signal for
that MUX is now below the critical level then the channels will be removed & disappear from the
Electronic Programme Guide (EPG).
You need to make sure that you have a good aerial suitable for your digital transmitter & may well
require a signal amplifier (a cheap one from Argos may be all you need). Ensure that you do not
passively split the signal from your aerial downlead between Media Center & any TV or Freeview box.
If that doesn't fix your problem then there can be an issue with Media Center locking on to a
channel from a distant transmitter with a poorer signal in preference to the local transmitter with
a stronger signal. In this case by judicious editing of the registry you can force Media Center to
only scan the MUXes of your desired transmitter. There is a full description of how to do this here
Vista is much more stable in terms of the DVB-T EPG than MCE 2005 & in particular there is a Hot Fix
that disables Opportunistic Scanning You have to
call Microsoft Support to get the fix but it is also available on the 'Net e.g.
Nigel Barker
Live from the sunny Cote d'Azur