Slow Start Up of Windows Media Center
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Roger Stenson
2009-04-26 22:20:17 UTC
I am running Windows Media Center on a very new Dell Media desktop with a
vista rating of 5.4
After the system has started up it takes 2-3 minutes to achieve an inital
reponse if I click on Guide, Live TV or Recorded Programs. Media Center
seems to be busy doing something else. Once it has completed this task the
system response seems fine and the problem goes away

In the system I have catalogued quite a large picture library, a great deal
of ripped music and a rather small collection of recorded TV probgrams

Has anyone any idea what it might be doing and what I can do to speed it up.
Its so so slow its uncommercial

Roger Stenson
Chris Keeble
2009-07-24 09:49:01 UTC
Hi Roger,

Did you ever get this resolved?

I have the same issue with a very large music library. Media PLayer will
load up in seconds but Media Center can take 2-3 minutes to respond when
first selecting music library after start up.


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